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Hotseat Takes the Stage at SXSW 2013

Posted: March 5, 2013 at 12:50 pm
Categories: News

How do you know when sitting is hot? When it’s all over the media? When more than 10 infographics cover its risks? When a treadmill desk has a waiting list? Nope. When it debuts at South by Southwest (SXSW).

South by Southwest Interactive runs March 8 through March 12 this year, and on Sunday, March 10 from 5:00 to 6:00 pm, you can join Hotseat to discuss: Sitting Will Kill You. Can Mobile Save Us?  Hotseat’s founder, Fran Melmed, the creator of Hotseat, is joining a panel hosted by Saatchi and Saatchi Wellness and featuring co-panelists Dr. Peter Katzmarzyk and Jane Sarasohn-Kahn.

Dr. Katzmarzyk is the associate director of population science at Pennington Medical Center and behind the leading research in the field of sedentary behavior. Jane is a health economist, management consultant, and well-published author on health trends, including a recent paper on sensors for the California Healthcare Foundation. And Hotseat is one of the mobile solutions seeking to get us up and moving.

Join us as for a two-minute activity break and to talk about the research, personal health risks, economic impact, barriers, and solutions related to “sitting disease.”

Besides our panel, here are other sessions we plan on hitting:

  • Designing Habits: From Big Data to Small Changes
    Friday, March 8, 3:30-4:30 pm

    We all know there are vast amounts of data about our lives—our spending, our browsing, our activity—being collected daily. With the recent explosion in inexpensive sensors and self-tracking apps, we can capture new insights in personal health and activity data. However, the data is only truly valuable if it can be turned into positive behavior change. A panel of leaders in venture capital, health technology and the research world discuss the key enablers to tackling this challenge: the use of visualization to make volumes of data easily understandable to the average consumer, leveraging gamification and social mechanics to keep users engaged, and the science of habit design to actually create behavior change. The panel will be moderated by Michael Copeland, Senior Editor at Wired, who has a particular interest in Big Data and the implications for entrepreneurs and consumers.
  • Reimagining Health, Technology and Design
    Saturday, March 9, 12:30-1:30 pm
    Future healthcare innovation success will be defined by the experience delivered to patients, caregivers, and physicians in hospitals, homes and at retail. New technologies such as mobile apps, wearable sensors, and social networks, are converging with new expectations and needs to create new business models for healthcare experiences. But imagine a far more extreme transformation, in which advances in information technology, biology and engineering allow us to move much of health care out of hospitals, clinics and doctors’ offices, and into our everyday lives. Inspired by ideas and innovations emerging from university research labs, clinical innovation centers, start-ups and large companies, how can we use design and new technologies to bridge the gaps between the research and the delivery of innovative healthcare ideas— and how are start-ups and new business models both redefined and reinvigorated by this?
  • Contagious Content: Making Healthy Behavior Stick
    Saturday,  March 9, 3:30-4:30 pm
    Edelman’s proprietary research shows that social interaction is key to spreading good health, but many with the highest potential to positively influence others are avoiding interaction instead. Interactive industries have an opportunity and responsibility to reinforce the healthy lifestyle choices of others—because the truth is business leaders are setting health policy in the digital sphere, whether they are conscious of it or not. This panel will explore research and anecdotes of how digital content can transform health, change attitudes and behaviors and turn knowledge into action through compelling storytelling across mediums.


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